Middle School Science Teacher Email Phone: 715-877-1064 A note to Parents Classroom Rule We have one rule in class to remember. In the words of Aretha Franklin it is R-E-S-P-E-C-T. *We respect each other physically, verbally, and emotionally. *We respect ourselves by doing the best we can everyday. *We respect other people’s property and the common property in the room. Science is a process by which the world around us is explored. Your children will learn this process through making observations, being curious, asking questions, gathering information, creating hypotheses, designing and doing experiments, analyzing their data and drawing conclusions. At times they may struggle with the task at hand. This is part of the process. I ask that you encourage your student to do the best that they are capable of and not to be afraid of taking risks and making mistakes. Often we learn more from our mistakes than our successes. If you have questions about what is happening in class, please contact me by phone at 877-2511 or by email chrismackeynatz@fallcreek.k12.wi.us